Join us for a Family Reading Night for families of Morris District 54, hosted by the Shabbona Honor Society members.

Our Morris Braves Wrestling Team is back at it tonight with a Tri-Meet. Check out the action at Shabbona and cheer them on! GO BRAVES!!!

All levels of volleyball take on Saratoga tonight! Come on out to Shabbona to cheer them on!

7th & 8th Grade Girls Volleyball play tonight at Shabbona! GO BRAVES!!!

Congratulations to both 6th grade volleyball teams on hard fought victories over Dwight. Way to go Braves!

It's Match Day - Our 6th grade Volleyball team takes the court against Dwight tonight at 4:30!

Today at 4:30 p.m. Morris Wrestling has a tri-meet and our 6th Grade Girls Volleyball Team has a match. Head over to the Shabbona Gyms to CHEER on our athletes! GO BRAVES!!!

A huge shoutout to our 6th (A & B), 7th, and 8th grade volleyball teams for their impressive victories over Sandwich! Your hard work, teamwork, and determination showed on the court, and we couldn’t be more proud. #Go Braves

Volleyball Home Match Tonight! All three levels play at Shabbona starting at 4:30pm. GO BRAVES!

It's GAME DAY! Our 7th grade BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM is playing in the SEMI FINALS REGIONAL GAME tonight. Head over to Saratoga to cheer on our team, the game starting at 5:30. GO BRAVES!!

Did you know that Morris Grade School serves breakfast every morning? Click the link to see more information about school breakfast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VW0nH5NaS6vztMf2CIRQ_BR6411kWPta/view?usp=sharing

The 7th Grade Boys Basketball Regionals are tomorrow at Saratoga School. Our MORRIS BRAVES take the court at 10am. Let's pack the gym and cheer them on to victory!

Morris Grade School winter sports pictures will take place on Monday January 27 @ Shabbona School at 3:30. Please refer to the flyer for more information.

7th and 8th Grade Girls Volleyball compete tonight at home. GO BRAVES!

PTO Sweetheart Soiree 2025!

Come out and cheer on all levels of girls volleyball as they take the court tonight at Shabbona! GO BRAVES!!!

Morris braves wrestled like there was no tomorrow at the Troy Duel Day Tournament on Saturday. Collectively, the Braves had a strong showing from everyone, which earned them a 2nd pace finish overall amongst a tough and challenging field of teams.
Max and Myles Shenberg had great matches in the semi-finals against Troy.
Xavier Hernandez majored his opponent against Troy in the semi-finals.
Kamdyn and Kharter Sullivan both had dominant matches throughout the day.
Parker Valentine pinned all of his opponents.
Aiden Wiggins beat his by pin as well.
Will Bricker stepped up to the challenge by bumping up a weight class against Geneseo and pinning his opponent.
Milton De La Rosa had a great day wrestling hard and winning several matches.
Congrats on a great day! GO BRAVES!!

Morris Youth Sports Baseball/Softball Information!

Morris Grade School staff are back at it and Crushing It!
Way to go Mrs. Praner and Mrs. Dehler. We love that you go above and beyond to make everyday fun and engaging for our students!

Our Morris Wrestling Team takes on Coal City and Seneca tonight, starting at 4:30 in the Shabbona Gym. GO BRAVES!!