Back to School!

Online  registration  is  open  now!  

School registration is open for a limited time only, June 20th to July 14th. It is highly recommended to complete the online registration forms as soon as possible! Your student(s) will NOT be scheduled in a class for the 2023-2024 school year until the registration process is completed and submitted.   Follow this link for additional registration information and links!

Online registration is very simple to do in the convenience of your own home; all you need to do is log in to your powerschool parent account to register your student(s) is complete the online forms, provide updated proof of residency in District #54, and make the school fees payment.  We will no longer be holding an in person registration day, all online forms can be completed on your own.  If you need assistance with completing online registration please email (in the email please be sure to include your name, student's name, contact information, and a description of the issue) or stop in the main office Monday through Thursday from 8am to Noon or 1pm to 3pm.  All new students to the district will need to come to the main office to have an account setup for them to be able to register.  Financial assistance forms for lunch and school fees are not available to be completed online, but will be available to download and print from the school’s website after July 1, 2023.

Please note the student attendance times for the 2023-2024 school year are as follows: Kindergarten - 5th grade is 8:45a.m. to 3:35p.m. and 6th grade - 8th grade is 8:05a.m. to 3:10p.m..  The first day of student attendance is Wednesday, August 16, 2023.

Please read over the important information enclosed and register your student(s) today!  


Mr. David C. Raffel Jr.
