E Learning

Due to the forecasted weather conditions for tomorrow, in-person learning will be cancelled for Wednesday, February 2, 2022. We will have an E-Learning Day.

All electronic communications between home and teachers will occur through either Google Classroom, school email accounts, or other classroom communication platforms. For grades 3rd-8th, teachers are required to post assignments for all of their classes by no later than 9:00 am. Students should check-in to the teacher’s Google Classroom by 9:30 am for attendance purposes.

For Kindergarten-2nd grade students, teachers will send home an activity board for students to complete academic tasks. It will also be available via the teacher’s Google Classroom. These students need to check-in as well. Once they have completed the required tasks for the day, students can send electronic proof of completion to their teachers or bring it with them when they return to school.

We do not expect teachers or other staff members to be in constant communication with students throughout the E-Learning Day. We expect teachers to monitor their email periodically throughout the day so that they can respond to home questions or concerns. Students and teachers do NOT have to be online at the same time. Teachers will be available electronically from 9 am-3 pm. 

Stay warm and safe!